# Install

You can install Koblime from your device by going to the Devices tab and clicking the install button.

The resulting KoboRoot.tgz contains your Koblime credentials and is specific to the device. Please do not share this file with anyone and installing it on an unintended device will results in books getting attributed to the wrong device.

# What is installed

The installation package contains the following items:

# Configuration

The configuration file is located at /mnt/onboard/.add/koblime/config.yaml and contains your DeviceID and Koblime token

# Sync Application

The Sync application is located at /opt/bin/koblime. This application is run each time your device syncs.

# NickelMenu Item

If you happen to have NickleMenu installed, we add a Koblime menu item to initiate a manual sync at /mnt/onboard/.adds/nm/koblime.

NickleMenu itself is not installed. You will have to do this yourself.

# Udev Rule

Koblime uses Udev to detect a WiFi connection. The Koblime Usev rule is located at /etc/udev/rules.d/97-koblime.rules. This Udev rule runs the Sync Application each time WiFi is detected.

# NickleDBus

Koblime uses NickelDBus in order to render screens and to get the Kobo to refresh the book library. The latest version of NickelDBus is installed with every Koblime install.